Species Homo sapiens
Epilepsy-Associated Disorder(s) childhood absence epilepsy
Description epilepsy, childhood absence 1
Chromosome 8
Locus 8q24
Reference(s) Morita R, Miyazaki E, Shah PU, Castroviejo IP, Delgado-Escueta AV, Yamakawa K. Exclusion of the JRK/JH8 gene as a candidate for human childhood absence epilepsy mapped on 8q24. Epilepsy Res. 1999 Nov;37(2):151-8.

Robinson R, Taske N, Sander T, Heils A, Whitehouse W, Goutieres F, Aicardi J, Lehesjoki AE, Siren A, Laue Friis M, Kjeldsen MJ, Panayiotopoulos C, Kennedy C, Ferrie C, Rees M, Gardiner RM. Linkage analysis between childhood absence epilepsy and genes encoding GABAA and GABAB receptors, voltage-dependent calcium channels, and the ECA1 region on chromosome 8q. Epilepsy Res. 2002 Feb;48(3):169-79.

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