
Species Mus musculus
Alternate Name(s) Pafah1b1, Mdsh, LIS-1, Ms10u, Pafaha, MMS10-U
Description platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase, isoform 1b, beta1 subunit
Chromosome 11
Locus 11 44.0 cM
Human Homolog LIS1
Worm Homolog lis-1
Protein Alignment Homo sapiens:

Mus musculus:
Reference(s) Assadi AH, Zhang G, Beffert U, McNeil RS, Renfro AL, Niu S, Quattrocchi CC, Antalffy BA, Sheldon M, Armstrong DD, Wynshaw-Boris A, Herz J, D'Arcangelo G, Clark GD. Interaction of reelin signaling and Lis1 in brain development. Nat Genet. 2003 Nov;35(3):270-6. Epub 2003 Oct 26.

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Zhang G, Assadi AH, McNeil RS, Beffert U, Wynshaw-Boris A, Herz J, Clark GD, D'Arcangelo G. The Pafah1b Complex Interacts with the Reelin Receptor VLDLR. PLoS ONE. 2007 Feb 28;2:e252.

[Entrez Cross-Database Search] [Entrez Gene] [Pfam] [Swiss-Prot] [UniProt] [PDB] [Allen Brain Atlas]